The various wastes are collected by a fleet of vehicles equipped and licensed and in compliance with environmental legislation .

The institution provides temporary and safe storage points for the waste generated from different parties .

With the help of a team of trained and qualified workers, The institution deals with different types of waste by sorting, classifying and compressing different wastes for easy transportation to specialized recycling plants

The institution carries out direct support operations for the purpose of reducing the quantities of waste destined for landfills, incinerators or landfills

EGYPTIAN GHOSON , through its EG WASTE system, carries out accurate tracking of various types of waste, inventorying the quantities generated from the different generation sites, and providing certificates to its customers stating that the waste has been disposed of in a sound manner that is compatible with various environmental legislation and occupational health and safety standards

The institution carries out the safe and final disposal of hazardous waste in safe places approved by the Ministry of Environment

According to the prevailing market prices, we purchase the different types of waste, carry out accurate sorting and classification operations, and supply them to specialized recycling factories, as a contribution to maximizing the economic benefit of waste and developing this industry within the Arab Republic of Egypt

We succeeded in producing a new type of non-traditional fodder that is efficiently used as an alternative to traditional fodder, by diverting a lot of food and agricultural waste and directing it to the feed industry